۱۳۸۹ تیر ۲۸, دوشنبه

Some of My Favorite Quotes

- Anything worth taking seriously is worth poking fun at!

- As long as your mistakes are new ones, you can argue that you are making progress!

- The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits! Let's dont walk on the limited line!

- There is no point in taking life seriously: No One Gets Out Alive!

۲ نظر:

  1. دلم نیومد از سخنان گوهربار خودم اضافه نکنم به این لیست:

    !Smile at death, stay alive

    یک جمله ای هم تو فیلم
    Kingdom of Heaven
    هستش که دوست دارم اینجا اشاره کنم. به این مضمون که:

    If you don't improve the world, it's better for you not to be!

  2. اين جمله دوميه خيلي خشنه!ا
